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Lux Mea | Summer 2023/24

COVID-19 arrived on our doorstep in 2020 and we were thrust into the midst of a global pandemic, unaware of what lay ahead. It felt new and different. Despite our trepidation we forged ahead, a little like riding rapids for the first time, somewhat knowing what should lay ahead but unsure of how our ride might go, or how our craft might weather the journey.

It became a true test of our resilience. So when I was asked to address an important aspect of mental health with the Year 11 cohort during Term 3 2020, it seemed a logical decision to address this key concept. Surging in popularity as a factor that lends to one’s psychological flexibility, resilience is the inner strength that develops when we experience difficulties, and bounce back.

What better book to base the presentation on than Dr Seuss’ Oh The Places You’ll Go!, a childhood favourite that depicts the very wonderful, adventurous yet fortuitous journey that life is. The adventure begins with such anticipation and excitement for all that lays ahead, where "you will have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself in any direction you choose".

However, as we turn the pages we are confronted with the unexpected twists and turns of reality, similar to 2020, where "bang ups and hang ups can happen to you". Our experience of offsite learning, of staying home and socially isolating from friends and family is comparable to the challenges within the story, and was at times so similar to ‘the waiting place, where everyone is just waiting’.

Dr Seuss’ delightful escapade shows us that, despite the difficulties life throws at us, on you will go, on you will hike and on you will fly, and "you will succeed". Our entire community has had to endure, to dig deep, to battle motivation, to work hard despite the conditions, and to find an inner strength and build on their resilience. I have been genuinely awestruck with the beautiful examples of our community bouncing back, often repeatedly, to "move mountains", as Dr Seuss suggests. Our journey is not yet complete but we can pause and reflect on the fact that our resilient muscle has had a workout. It’s strong and will serve us very well in the future. In the meantime, we can practice another key concept; kindness towards our self and others.

Katrina Morrow
Head of Counselling