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A Place to Chill

A Place to Chill

In a year full of disruption and upheaval, it’s timely that a special wellness space has been created specifically for students to relax in a peaceful space far from the hustle and bustle of the School yard.

Nestled into the Federation-style house that also houses the Counselling rooms, the Chaplain and the Careers Centre, the “Igloo” is a space for students to chill out, reflect and take time out from their busy schedules.

The space was renovated and refurbished thanks to the support of the Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School Parents’ Association (IGGSPA). President Mrs Lynne Pike-Overall believes it’s more important than ever for students to have a quiet place to escape the “masses”. “I think it will be quite overwhelming for a lot of girls to be in the hustle and bustle of 800+ students again after being in their own ‘iso  bubble for six months,” she says. “Making a space available for tranquil, calm downtime, is really important.”

The refurbishment of the Igloo has included a new sofa, artworks, rugs and cushions.

Ms Katrina Morrow, Head of Counselling agrees. “Some students, who are struggling with mental health concerns, often benefit from having a space where they can go to relax and calm themselves if they are feeling overwhelmed during their day,” she explains. She points out that Student Services is available to students who feel unwell.

“We felt it was important to have a space available for students with mental health concerns as well.” As well as a quiet, reflective space, the Igloo will also be used by Tutor Groups for activities like meditation, relaxation or quiet group discussions. The Counselling team will use the quiet space to accommodate private family meetings, while the Chaplain will use the room for Monday morning prayer meetings.

It is this multi-purpose dimension to the space that attracted the interest of IGGSPA. “We are very mindful about spending money on things that are for a broad spectrum of the School community, not just a select few,” explains Lynne. “So we thought it was a project that was definitely well worth putting funds into.”

IGGSPA raises money through various fundraisers throughout the year, but its main revenue stream is the Second Life Uniform Shop. “Our main priority is to bring the School community together,” explains Lynne. 

Projects funded by IGGSPA include the ovens in the Hillsley Visual Arts and Hospitality Complex, the BBQ in the cafe forecourt and the 3D printer in the Innovation Station.

For the Igloo, IGGSPA contributed funds towards the refurbishment of the room, including a sofa and rug and artworks.

Katrina says the room now has a “relaxed and gentle, calm feeling.” “We have specifically chosen furniture that would be common in a homely space so students can feel relaxed and 'at home'”, she says. She’s looking forward to seeing the students use the rooms and come to the space to chill out, relax and feel safe whilst remaining at school.